16, Apr, 2012

When It Takes a Badass to Stay the Course, Be a Badass!

img0733I’m visualizing a badass, successful day today, full of hope, beauty, laughs, and prosperity. Visualization opens doors, but action walks me through those doors and into the room. I believe in the power of affirmation, positive self-talk, and visualization to achieve my goals, and I have seen dramatic results in my life. But none of those processes can deliver without a solid action plan in the moment.

When I began my journey of kickass personal transformation, I’d been a hardcore drug addict for nine years. I was indigent, suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, and had been living much of that time as a street person. One day I experienced an epiphany. I realized how unhappy I was, and realized I couldn’t take one more moment of agony. I decided to turn my life around, and I took steps. The first step was to stop doing dope. I got connected with like-minded, supportive, positive people and cut off contact with all the negative people I’d surrounded myself with during my active addiction.

I moved on, employed an action plan to change my entire life and transform myself physically, financially, mentally and emotionally. One of the first actions I took was to “act as if,” to think, speak, behave and make plans and decisions as if I’d already achieved my goals and was surrounded with everything I needed.

My action plan became more specific and specialized as I continued my path. I began an exercise plan, using both cardio and resistance training. I’d do crunches in the morning, running one of my first mantras in my head all the while — “There’s hope after dope!” Another early mantra was, “Life is good!” And life, I began to discover, was exceedingly good. I felt invigorated, thrilled to be alive, and intensely conscious of the fact that I was lucky to be alive at all. My addiction had been so severe that my recovery seemed like a miracle, like winning a Mega Millions Lotto Jackpot. Each day, I celebrated my progress, no matter how tiny the baby step.

More quickly than I’d expected, things I needed began to show up in my life. Inspiration, energy, optimism, friends, education, opportunities, and gratitude presented themselves, as action created motivation, and motivation in turn created more action. I never want to forget where I’ve come from. For nine years I lived in a cycle of self-destruction and despair. And for sixteen years, I’ve lived in a cycle of action and motivation. I’ve experienced kickass personal transformation, and will continue to reach forward toward more and more beauty, love, prosperity, and health.

Some days my progress is slow and deliberate, and I have to push myself. I put one foot in front of the other, and I find myself trudging along. But I remind myself that trudging is progress, too, and then I laugh because “trudging” sounds like such a bummer, like I’m a drama queen, I laugh again because I know how lucky I am to be alive, with a roof over my head, a car in the garage, and food in the refrigerator — and my trudge picks up to a stroll.

Today is one of those days. I’m not exactly skipping down the path to personal transformation, but I’m on the path, and that in itself is progress. I still feel like life itself is a Mega Million Lotto Jackpot win! I’m happy. I’m grateful to have a computer to keyboard this blog post, and an internet connection to keep me hooked up. I’ve got specific goals, dreams, and aspirations. And I’ve got a shot at fulfilling them. How do I know I’ve got a shot? I’m still breathing…and visualizing, and taking action.


13, Apr, 2012

Express Yourself!

img0293On the path to personal healing and transformation, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to acknowledge your feelings. Every moment of every day, you experience emotions. It’s very important to become aware of these feelings, to monitor them and be open about them.

When you’re aware of your feelings, allowing yourself to register them, you recognize opportunities to communicate more effectively. When you experience uncomfortable feelings such as sadness, uneasiness, anger or frustration, tension and stress will compound if you isolate and keep everything to yourself. Confiding in someone you trust and describing what you’re feeling will provide a relief valve for the tension and stress. The situation may call for a talk with a therapist or counselor. The important thing is that you communicate with another human being rather than pushing the negative emotion down, hiding it deep inside, and letting it fester.

As you continue to become aware of and to observe your own feelings, you gradually develop your ability to switch gears and replace a negative emotion with a positive one. For instance, if you find yourself feeling lonely, acknowledge the feeling, then take contrary action by reaching out to others. Make a phone call, write someone a note, go out and find other people to hang out with. Exercise is a speedy, effective way to dispel negative emotion.

On the plus side, acknowledge your positive feelings as well. When you find yourself feeling joy, gratitude, enthusiasm, or love, take a moment to celebrate it. Luxuriate in the good feeling you are experiencing, and watch it increase exponentially. Then pass on some of the good energy to another person, and in this way you will actively propagate the good. Why hesitate to express how much you love, respect or appreciate another person? Pass it on. You’ll probably be pleased with the results.

30, Mar, 2012

Mindfulness: A Listening Exercise

img0917_0In a few minutes, I’m gonna take myself a badass, meditative, transformative hike through the gorgeous spring landscape, drinking in the sight and scent of flowers, watching the apple blossoms break into individual petals and spin through the air, borne aloft in clouds of glorious delicate confetti! That’s what I think of as my Green Meditation Cardio Blast.

Meditation can be practiced in a number of ways and it doesn’t have to be complicated. Many people find that daily meditation is a powerful means of achieving a state of inner well-being, since it aids in grounding the practitioner in the moment and can enable the mind and senses to experience life fully. For those in recovery from addiction, daily meditation helps to maintain serenity and connection to a higher power.

Mindfulness meditation is described as a calm, non-judgmental awareness of consciousness — mind, body, emotions, and even consciousness itself. Mindfulness is particularly effective in restoring peace of mind in times of emotional stress or when experiencing anxiety.

One quick way to engage in mindfulness meditation is to sit with feet planted on the floor and simply observe the body, the level of tension and relaxation in different muscle groups, for instance — to observe the thoughts as they pass through, like clouds across the sky, and to observe different emotions that may present; either in response to a thought or for no reason at all.

The idea is to simply be in the moment, observing without attaching any particular emphasis or judgment to any thought or feeling, for a period of time, say, five minutes. The amount of time spent in the exercise can be adjusted, but the goal is to be able to lengthen the time spent each day. Some advocates recommend at least twenty minutes a day, some insist is should be an hour, but the beauty of mindfulness is that everything is up to the individual.

Another way of experiencing mindfulness meditation is to take a walk outside, consciously experiencing the world through all the senses. Sometimes it’s good to add the repetition of a mantra, for instance, “I’m healing,” or, “I’m happy in the moment” — anything that will encourage and establish positive self-talk and enable the brain to establish new neural pathways so that the level of “feel-good” chemicals in brain increases. When using a mantra, daily application for at least three weeks is required before the results kick in, but they always kick in if we work it daily and consistently.

Some who practice mindfulness report they do their meditation while / by watching a sunset or sunrise, lighting a candle and watching the flame, or during any quiet moment in a given day. Mindfulness meditation has been found to empower those who practice it daily with ability to stay present in each moment and to enjoy life with serenity and a positive attitude. Like exercise, meditation is a daily program which rewards the mind and body both immediate and long-term benefits when consistently practiced.

Listening is a powerful way to exercise mindfulness. It is an activity which brings the listener into the present moment. Active listening — being present for the person listened to — provides immediate benefit and strength to both speaker and listener. Listening is a powerful activity in our society today because it is so rare. Often, people are completely absorbed in phoning, texting, channel surfing, etc., that the opportunity to listen is ignored.

The opportunity to listen presents itself constantly, even if / especially when you are alone. Try listening to some of your favorite music, for instance, but consciously listen to the music as if you were hearing it for the first time — be actively present in the moment. Now click off the music and listen to the silence — or noise — that fills the space, depending on where you are. Allow the sounds — or the lack of sound — to wash over you, and pay attention to every little detail that presents itself to your ears.

Listen to your body. Observe how this process affects your physical state — are your muscles tensed, or relaxed? How is your breathing? Is it shallow or deep? Try performing this exercise once or twice a day, and see how refreshing it is to rediscover your innate listening power. Allow this process to become meditative, as it draws you inward and keeps you in the present moment.
We live in a global community, connected to one another by myriad networks. During every waking moment, we’re bombarded by advertising, peppered with text and voice messages, emails, social media updates, and all kinds of other noise. We adapt by learning to filter out anything we deem expendable. The key is to be conscious of what we’re receiving and how it affects the brain, body, emotions, and overall energy reservoir within each of us.

The power of living is in the moment. We access, share, and multiply that power when we are present, actively listening to and connecting with another human being. When we open our minds and hearts to people close to us, in real time, we both give and receive a priceless commodity: empathy, exchange of ideas, shared hopes and dreams, mutual encouragement.

26, Mar, 2012

Fun is Power!

img0388Fun inspires, heals, and empowers. No kidding. Fun and a sense of humor will propel you toward your goal more quickly, and give you inspiration, motivation, and a sense of well-being along the way. Remember, fun is not something you look for outside of yourself. It’s something you own, embrace, and develop within as you live life in the present moment.

it’s easy think that fun and happiness are things that we might wish would happen to us; things that mysteriously come from some source outside of us — but that is a mistaken belief. It is totally up to you whether you enjoy life and feel positive about yourself and your future. Take the step now, and start having fun.

Allow your inner self to awaken and recognize the sheer beauty of being alive. Use gratitude to build your enthusiasm for life, and come from love as you approach any task, obstacle, or occasion. Be playful — keep your knees loose, so to speak.

If you’re having fun, you’re increasing your levels of “feelgood” neurostransmitters in your brain — dopamine, serotonin, etc. When this happens, you empower yourself to feel better in general, and you’ll find it’s much easier to be creative, energetic, and empathic when you feel good.

It’s easy to be so bent on reaching your goals or realizing your dreams that you forget to have fun. Choose to feel good and have fun — these are conscious actions, steps you take on your way to success.

Empower yourself with positive self-talk, self-enhancing statements (affirmations) and a gratitude list. Then move on to celebrating past, present, and future success. Be proactive and see the difference.

Having fun, laughing, and feeling good will promote healing, accelerate learning and memory, increase confidence, and empower you to accomplish more. Those who live each moment with a sense of fun and humor will find it easier to tolerate, accept, and love others. Fun is good for all relationships! Remember to have fun today, and tomorrow will take care of itself.

6, Mar, 2012

Badassitude: Power to Choose Laughter, Fun, and Enthusiasm

img0043Life is challenging but so very beautiful. Sixteen years ago, I woke up to the reality of life — and learned that I have the power to choose how I think, feel, and act. I discovered that there is a solution to every problem which presents itself in life, and that discovery is made by living in the present moment, embracing and celebrating the beauty of life. Gratitude, love, courage, and a sense of humor all contribute to badass, kickass personal transformation. Each new day offers opportunities to grow, learn, heal, recover, and share experience, strength and hope with others.

Soup or salad. Paper or plastic. Laugh or feel sorry for yourself. Laugh or get angry. Everyday life is full of choices, and sometimes people don’t realize they have the power to choose laughter and a sense of humor over self-pity, anger, hatred, envy or any of the negative emotions. Laughter is the brave choice and the one that makes you feel good. Negative emotions drag you down, deplete your reserves of “feel good” neurotransmitters such as serotonin. Laughter, a sense of humor, and the resulting agreeable mood will raise those levels, giving you a sense of well-being and happiness. In addition, scientific research has shown that laughter, positive thinking and mood, and increased serotonin levels improve and maintain physiological well-being.

When you’re laughing, it’s impossible to wallow in negative emotions. If you actively practice developing a sense of humor, it becomes easier and easier to laugh quickly and see the funny side of a given situation. Ask other people to tell you funny things that they’ve experienced in life. Hang out with funny people. Watch funny movies, go to comedy clubs, read humorous books. Exercise your power to laugh and deepen your appreciation of what’s funny. You have the power to choose, so why not choose well? Next time you’re presented with an “opportunity” to feel bad, take a moment to laugh at the absurdity of choosing such an option. Laugh, love…and live longer.

Does a big challenge, heavy responsibility, or difficult demand await you today or in the near future? Do you find yourself dreading it, or are you looking forward to it with enthusiasm? You can go at it either way, it’s your choice. Enthusiasm lifts you and empowers you to triumph over challenges — and sometimes, to even have fun at it. You can learn how to muster enthusiasm for every effort or challenge you face. It’s all in your attitude. If you’re badass enough to move forward with courage, confidence, and the willingness to laugh and have fun — no matter the results — you’ll notice your enthusiasm increasing.

Fear of failure and anxiety about results can put a damper on your enthusiasm and sense of accomplishment. Allow yourself to dwell in the moment — do a meditation check-in, or find an emotional anchor. One way to get anchored emotionally is to find a purpose outside yourself, a “greater good.” Some efforts are sacrifices, so if you remind yourself you’re benefiting a cause, or loved ones, for instance, you’ll discover a deeper reservoir of strength and energy within. Sometimes you don’t even realize the good you’re doing through your efforts, and simply accepting that can bring serenity as you rise to the demands that present themselves.

What does it mean to be badass? To me, it means tough, resilient, unswerving, and willing to take risks. By my definition, people who are badass are willing to go to any length to improve themselves, create positive change, and help others to reach for similar goals. Badasses maintain a fierce determination to keep eyes on the prize, think positive thoughts, share knowledge, wealth and expertise, and cultivate a sense of humor. If you’re currently undergoing a change in your life, or you’re stretching toward a new horizon, be badass about it. Go fifteen rounds with any challenge and come out a champ.

“It is our duty as men and women to proceed as though the limits of our abilities do not exist.” — Pierre Tielhard De Chardin


28, Feb, 2012

Access Your Inner Peace and Serenity

img4564Peace of mind and serenity can be found in the present moment. It’s simple to engage in the mindfulness process, even though it may not be easy at first. Refrain from making it more complicated or challenging than it needs to be. Start out with a small bit of time. For instance, promise yourself you can practice mindfulness meditation for one minute today. You’ll be amazed at how much you benefit from 60 seconds of silence within.

Accessing your inner peace through mindfulness brings hope, and the assurance of a future which holds possibilities for you. As you practice mindfulness, the process introduces you to yourself, your real priorities and focus, and as you continue daily mindfulness exercises your life gains new meaning and purpose.

When you practice mindfulness, you check in to your body, that is, allow yourself to exist only in the present moment — the now — for a given period of time. Observe your physical, emotional, and mental state. Don’t worry about clearing your mind of thoughts. If a thought goes through your mind, observe it but don’t own it. Release yourself from judging anything. In this way you learn to become the observer — and the observed. When you observe but refrain from owning painful thoughts and feelings, you begin to distinguish between your true self and these negatives. They are not you, they are temporary. It’s possible for a person to learn to dismiss or replace them.

This process creates a wonderful stillness and sense of well-being. The practice of mindfulness is extremely valuable in managing anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. As you continue to engage in mindfulness meditation, add a minute or two to the length of your session. Soon you’ll notice you can add positive visualization and affirmations to the mix. All of these are tools that work — when you use them consistently. Peace is within you. When you seek, you find.

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19, Feb, 2012

What Stories Are You Telling Yourself?

img0743Never give in, never hold back. Whatever you aspire to, whatever you think you can do, jump in and do it. Wishing, hoping, and talking about it won’t get you there unless you are taking action. Even the seemingly tiniest steps forward are power in practice. My own personal kickass transformation dictionary defines “badassitude” as confidence and boldness in action, with a sense of humor. Go ahead — engage a program of action, and get into your badassitude.

Life is made up of stories. Every individual has a unique story to tell. And whether you realize it or not, you tell yourself stories within stories, each day of your life. For instance, you’re sitting at your desk at work, in front of a computer screen, making an effort to complete a given task.

What’s your story? Are you saying, “This job sucks, and I am working myself to death.”? That’s a sad story, a negative affirmation, and it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy if you embrace it and attach an emotional investment in it. All of this can happen unconsciously and build momentum.

On the other hand, if you tell yourself good stories, you empower yourself to reach out for more of life, experiencing gratitude for what you have already attained. Say you’re at that desk, working on that same task, and your story is, “I’m employed, and I’m good at what I do! I’m building my skills and developing a career. There’s no limit to what I can do!” Run that story, and see the difference. You’ve got a positive story now, and if you embrace it and attach a feeling of gratitude, enthusiasm, or hope to it, it will build momentum.

The secret to feeling good is to practice living in the present moment, accepting and wholeheartedly embracing it, surrendering yourself to what is now. And you can take this further still. In each moment, as you wholeheartedly live what is in that moment, refrain from judging whether what you’re experiencing is good or bad. Simply accept the now and allow your true self to awaken. When you step back from negative stories, judgments, assessments, and criticisms of yourself and your experiences, and throw yourself into life — with passion, you can develop a kickass consciousness, living full-on, which creates more and more purpose, prosperity, and value in your life.

Telling yourself good stories takes you down the runway; next, you take flight, becoming the embodiment of your good stories! You will live a powerful, uplifting reality that inspires and encourages others. Whatever you focus on, you get more of. Focus on the positive, stay in the moment, wholeheartedly embrace the essence of life, and become. End of story.

5, Feb, 2012

Keep Your Hands on the Wheel!

img0370An important step in personal transformation is to remove all negative influences from your environment. Negative relationships and people; negative self-image, outlook and attitude will weigh you down. Lighten your load, and your journey to total kickassitude will instantly become more doable and fun. For instance, when I first got clean and began my journey, I had to sever ties with all my associates. At the time, the only people I associated with were dope fiends or dope dealers. Strangely, I envisioned dealers all over town being inconsolably devastated at the loss of my “business.”

However one small detail had evaded me at the time: my business had dwindled over time to pathetically low levels commercially, so that an average transaction consisted of my showing up at 3 a.m. outside a dealer’s trailer trying to trade a hubcap for a dime bag. When I delivered the news of my kicking dope, these elated merchants congratulated me and encouraged me to “keep up the good work.” Their palpable relief was unexpected, then hilarious to me as I realized what a nuisance I had been to the entire doper community. I felt grateful to have their encouragement and support as I turned my back on the street life and began my metamorphosis.

A big step in personal transformation is building self-esteem and changing self-image. Use positive self-talk and become your own cheerleading squad, urging yourself on to higher and higher aspirations and accomplishments. Try making a list of all your strengths — the things that you admire in others and can recognize in yourself. Now make a list of qualities you admire in others and don’t find within at this time. Now your have a list of assets and aspirations. Start being generous with yourself, kind to yourself, patient with yourself and forgiving to yourself. It’s a lot easier to banish your negative attitude and self- image if you daily recognize your positive aspects and strengths. You deserve it. Do a daily check-in, and in this way, build your relationship with yourself. All relationships start with yourself.
A daily program of kickass personal transformation will introduce you to yourself. You’ll find that you are stronger, brighter, funnier, more flexible and productive than you ever dreamed. And as you embrace this new vision of yourself, you realize that all the negative thinking that used to hold you back, that seemed so powerful, once separated from your true self-image, is shrinking away.

One of the things I’ve learned in kickass personal transformation is that I’m driving, so to speak, down the freeway of life, toward my goals and dreams. I’m not being dragged. Before I got into recovery, my addiction — (bad attitude, negative self-image and irrational thinking) was driving (90 mph toward a cliff), and my true self was tied up and locked in the trunk. My life was so centered on those negatives that I actually thought it was me driving the car!

Since the day I made my decision to turn my life around, I’m the one at the wheel, and my former negative consciousness is locked in the trunk. From time to time, I hear the thoughts of my negative, addicted self, trying to distract me and get me to take my hands off the wheel. I’m aware of this — that my former negative self still wants to get back in the driver’s seat and take over. But since I am aware, living in the present moment, I don’t own the fear, or the self-pity, or the resentment, or any other things belonging to my former negative way of thinking and living. That’s not me! I don’t own it, and I don’t have to let it in.
I’ve changed my attitude, one day at a time. When I wake up in the morning, I take a moment to make a quick mental gratitude list. Then I add things to the list as the day goes on. At the end of the day, I review the list, and run a mental checklist of things I learned or accomplished during the day. I recall people I’ve met or interacted with and review how I could have improved on that interaction. Right before falling asleep, I whisper affirmations — self-enhancing statements — to myself, to set my attitude for waking.

Frequently, I do a morning check-in, in the moment. I ask myself the following questions:
Who am I?
Where have I come from?
Where am I headed?
Who do I love, and who loves me?
What am I grateful for?

Moment by moment, I keep my hands on the wheel, and I remember who I am.

2, Feb, 2012

Embrace a Specific Vision for Tomorrow

img0292Positive visualization is a powerful and effective tool which can help you to reach any goal, overcome any obstacle, and realize any dream. One very important thing to remember about positive visualization is that the more specific your vision is, the better your results. Attain a relaxed mental state, and charge up your positive emotions — you can do this by listening to music that lifts you up, or by exercising — anything that increases your endorphins. Endorphins, positive emotions, and a feeling of serenity will turbo-charge your visualization. Many people use photos, clippings from magazines, or images from the web to help the mind fix itself on a clear picture or symbol of what you desire to manifest.

Daily repetition of this visualization process is essential if you want results. Also, visualize as though the fulfillment is happening in the moment, the now, not in some imaginary future. See it, believe it, and celebrate it, simultaneously. You picture yourself surrounded by, and experiencing fully, the feelings, sights, sounds, and sensations of what you need and desire. This process does take time, but if you embrace a specific vision, playing it over and over again in your mind, you are actually preparing yourself to step into the experience! As you practice the process, you develop skill so that your results keep improving exponentially. This isn’t magic, it’s science. Athletes, business leaders, motivational speakers, celebrities and people from all walks of life have reported their successes with visualization in interviews, articles, books, and onstage.

Practice joyful anticipation of your future — don’t dread what is to come. The future is unknown and it’s easy to fear the unknown, but if you’re doing all that you can to stay positive in thought, word and action, you know that you can manage future events as they present themselves.
Today’s consciousness shapes many of tomorrow’s events. Visualize, conceptualize and build your future. I know that what I accomplish today becomes part of the framework of tomorrow, no matter how small that accomplishment may seem at this point. With every effort, I invest in my future experience. And with every positive thought, every refusal to complain or worry, every kind word or action under pressure, I transform my character, making it stronger, truer, and more beneficial to my environment.

A large part of success comes from being in the right place at the right time. When the right time comes along, and opportunities present themselves, I want to be in the right place intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually so that I can see the opportunity and make use of it appropriately. All of this comes when I live in the moment, making a conscious decision to be grateful, happy, and confident.

The power phrase for today is, See it, Believe it, Celebrate and Achieve it!

25, Jan, 2012

Attitude of Gratitude

img0901Attitude is everything, and gratitude is the ultimate attitude adjustment. Since 2000, psychologists have conducted numerous studies on the effect and benefits of gratitude. Gratitude, it turns out, is a very powerful and often overlooked emotion. In the words of Cicero, the ancient Roman philosopher, “Gratitude is not only the greatest of all virtues but the parent of all others.” When we live in a state of gratefulness for all that we have, all that we are, and all that comes our way, we constantly receive more things to be grateful for. Gratitude is a powerful force, which instantly begins propelling us forward toward happiness, success and health. Once established as a force within us, gratitude naturally begins radiating out toward others.

Here are three simple methods you can use to quickly become grounded in gratefulness, and continue to increase and refresh your inner gratitude force throughout the day:

Make a mental gratitude list in the moment. This can also be done with pen and paper, but people don’t always have time to do a physical list during a busy day, so try it now, inwardly. Start by thinking the words, “Thank you,” and repeat as you visualize all the things you’re grateful for. For example, take a deep breath, and acknowledge gratitude for the air you’re breathing, the lung capacity you have, and the oxygen to your brain and bloodstream. Look around you, and experience gratitude for your eyesight, the view you’re taking in, and your brain’s power to process the image. While acknowledging your gratitude, allow yourself to luxuriate in the feeling of joy and peace that comes from living in the moment, knowing that the future holds promise for you.

Create a written gratitude list to read aloud to yourself daily.  Start by saying the words, “Thank you,” aloud a few times — to prime the gratitude pump, so to speak. Begin by recording at least ten things for which you are grateful.  Read the list at least once during your day. Take time to celebrate each entry with a feeling of exultation — you are thrilled that you have received, or will receive, this wonderful business opportunity, creative concept, material acquisition, inspiration, talent, etc., in your life.  Your list may contain items as simple as a good cup of coffee or as wondrous as a spectacular sunset. Feel the thrill and joy of gratitude that fills you each time you read and contemplate your list, and notice how you begin to be inspired to reciprocate by sharing with others.

Give of yourself and express your gratitude to others.  This step is essential in completing the gratitude cycle. As you begin to acknowledge all that you have, all that you are, and all that comes your way, you come to recognize that everything in life, particularly that which is challenging, is a gift — a miracle.  Consciously celebrate each miracle, and out of your resulting joy comes a desire to “pay it forward.”  For example, increase your expressions of gratitude. Instead of simply saying the words, “Thank you,” to an associate or subordinate, take time to give them a genuine, specific recognition of their value to you in the workplace.  Acknowledge someone of lesser status with appropriate and sincere respect. Listening is a powerful way of giving, and it boosts the self-esteem of the person we are listening to, if we are fully attentive. Donate time or money to a charity or a cause.

It is an enriching experience when you devote yourself to discovering how much appreciation and gratitude can be packed into the stream of life in a given moment, hour, or day.  “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as if nothing is a miracle, the other is as if everything is.” Einstein said that, and now that I’ve said it, Einstein and I have got something in common. Try living as if everything, even the tiniest thing, is a miracle, and watch your gratitude bubble over.

Every moment experienced in life holds millions of things to be grateful for, and acknowledging these things — with passion — will turbo-charge your ability to rejoice, appreciate, relax, receive, and reciprocate! Start each day with a gratitude list and see for yourself. Gratitude carries profound results, and it can kick your attitude into positive gear — instantaneously.  It works when we work it!