30, Jan, 2020

Human Trafficking Awareness Month Articles and Resources

Human Trafficking Awareness Month

January being Human Trafficking Awareness Month, I thought I would advocate for the victims, who should be regarded with respect and compassion. Also, we should acknowledge that Human Trafficking is a complex phenomenon that involves a wide variety of people from many walks of life, participating in a wide variety of activities. Basically Human Trafficking occurs when any person is induced “to perform commercial sex or labor through force, fraud, or coercion.” People should realize that many participants in activities of a sexual nature (whether in a legal or illegal setting) are not doing so of their own free will or choice. Likewise, their traffickers may not conform to the “traditional pimp” stereotype figure. Sometimes even relatives may be the perpetrators. Also, these things can happen in America, to US citizens, not some distant land to foreigners.

In addition to activities of a sexual nature, human trafficking can occur in various manifestations in the labor world, to both blue and white-collar workers as well as domestics-from accountants, analysts, telemarketers, hospitality industry personnel, construction workers and people in various levels of manufacturers’ supply chains and more. Sometimes our government may inadvertently become involved. [Many sources describe how Human Trafficking was involved in the construction of the US Embassy in Iraq. This article offers more information.

People and companies can become more aware as consumers. Many organizations address Human Trafficking in supply chains.

As a primer, a point of departure to take action and/or to refer to other people explore: “Myths, Facts, and Statistics.”

Let’s work together to solve this problem.

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3, Jan, 2020

Top Shelf Magazine awards ‘Never Give in to Fear’ First Place Award

Never Give In To Fear Book by Available through Amazon

“Thoroughly immersive”

This story of addiction and sexual slavery is all the more potent because it is absolutely true, which makes the ultimately triumphant climax even more powerful. For Marti MacGibbon, stand up comedian and already a rising star in the early ’80s, life appeared to be on an upswing. Having recently moved from Texas to San Francisco to break into the business and scheduled for an appearance on the iconic Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson, MacGibbon’s chances at superstardom seemed almost secure. Unfortunately, her developing addiction to crystal meth and other substances, at that point, began to tilt her world into a downward spiral of hopeless despondency that would lead to domestic violence, homelessness, and even a period of sexual slavery in Japan. Through all of this, MacGibbon, though a slave to her addiction and depraved lifestyle, is never utterly hopeless. In the end, it’s the forgiveness of her adult daughter that inspires her to conquer her many demons and come out a stronger and better person, compassionate and committed to helping others, becoming a motivational speaker and advocate for addicts and victims of the underground sex slave industry. One of the portholes to this vile industry is the underground drug culture. A note of caution: In MacGibbon’s story, you will be thoroughly immersed in the seedy world of drug addiction, sex slavery, and the despairing results of living in those worlds. There were times during this read that I felt as if I needed to shower just to wash that world off myself. So, readers who are extra sensitive may want to consider this before diving in. Having said this, MacGibbon’s use of humor throughout this book dramatically reduces the effect of these passages.

~Donald Richard,
TopShelf Reviews

14, Mar, 2019

Marti MacGibbon is keynote speaker at Mentari Human Trafficking Survivor Empowerment Program event in NYC

Marti MacGibbon is a human trafficking survivor speaker and expert on human trafficking, addiction recovery, and overcoming adversity. Marti delivered the closing keynote at Mentari Home Grand Opening in New York, New York in January. Mentari Human Trafficking Survivor Empowerment Program is a non-profit founded by human trafficking survivors Shandra Woworuntu and Ima Matul. The organization benefits survivors in the USA and in Indonesia. Mentari USA, based in NYC, provides support to survivors exiting trafficking, empowering them at every step of their recovery, including job training through their culinary academy. The Mentari Home Grand Opening celebrated the non-profit’s launch of its new transitional housing program for survivors.

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12, Feb, 2019

Marti MacGibbon, CADC-II, Human Trafficking Survivor-Speaker, Inspires and Informs Professionals at 9th Annual New Jersey Human Trafficking Conference

JJ Conference Book Signing

Marti MacGibbon Book Signing at New Jersey Human Trafficking Conference

Marti MacGibbon is a humorous inspirational speaker, a nationally award-winning author, and an expert on trauma resolution and addiction. She’s a survivor of human trafficking, intimate partner violence, sexual assault and abuse, homelessness, complex PTSD, and addiction. On January 25th, at the War Memorial in Trenton, NJ, Marti delivered a stirring keynote address at a statewide conference sponsored by the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General Division of Criminal Justice and the New Jersey Human Trafficking Task Force. In her speech, Marti provided both clinical and experiential insights into the intersection of human trafficking and addiction, with a focus on the current opioids crisis. Ms. MacGibbon was able to bring light humor to her talk, along with inspiring and moving anecdotes from her own experience. The attendees included government officials, criminal justice professionals, law enforcement professionals, university students, academics, medical and behavioral health professionals, and concerned citizens. The audience showed appreciation for Marti by giving her a standing ovation. Other speakers at the conference included NJ Congressman Chris Smith, author of the original Trafficking Victims Protection Act, and NJ Attorney General Gurbir Grewal. After her talk, Marti signed complimentary copies of her books, Never Give in to Fear and Fierce, Funny, and Female.


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22, Jan, 2019

Marti MacGibbon, CADC-II, Survivor of Human Trafficking – Speaker, Educates Professionals about the Opioid Crisis, Trauma, and Human Trafficking


Human trfficking survivor speaker Marti Macgibbon and Justice At Last founder Rose Mukhar

Marti MacGibbon with Attorney Advocate Rose Mukhar.

Marti MacGibbon is a professional humorous motivational speaker, an award-winning author, and an expert on trauma resolution and addiction. She is an empowered survivor of human trafficking, PTSD, and addiction. January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month, and Marti’s busy advocating and educating multidisciplinary teams of professionals about the issue, and about how to recognize and assist victims and survivors of human trafficking. On January 11, which is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, Marti presented a Human Trafficking 101 training to healthcare professionals at St. Mary’s Hospital in San Francisco. On January 15, Marti delivered the opening speech, “The Intersection of Human Trafficking and Addiction, with Focus on the Opioids Crisis”, at Sacramento’s 11th Annual Human Trafficking Conference at Sacramento State University.


Marti also did a book signing featuring her two critically acclaimed and award-winning memoirs, Never Give in to Fear and Fierce, Funny, and Female. Ms. MacGibbon donated proceeds from book sales to Justice At Last, a non-profit headed by Rose Mukhar, a well-known California attorney advocate (and recipient of the Modern-day Abolitionist Award) who provides pro bono legal services to victims of human trafficking. Marti is a Survivor Advisor at Justice At Last. The Sacramento conference was organized by My Sister’s House, a non-profit serving victims and survivors of human trafficking, sexual assault, and domestic violence. On January 16th and 17th, Marti presented a series of trainings to healthcare professionals on trauma-informed care best practices for engagement with victims and survivors of violence. The talks were delivered at medical centers in Central Coastal California.

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14, Jan, 2019

Marti Mac’s Top Ten New Year Resolution Survival Tips

Top 10 New Year Resolution Survival Tips by Marti MacGibbon

January is the month when we promise ourselves we’re going to make positive changes in our lives. Advertisers hit us with “New Year, New You” messages. Friends tell us about their resolution plans. In response, we might either catch the wave of excitement and make resolutions, or feel overwhelmed enough to blow it all off, scoop up a big bowl of ice cream, hit the couch and binge Netflix. New Year or not, it’s possible to build healthy habits and achieve goals and dreams. Transforming new behaviors into strong habits only takes about ten weeks if you repeat the action each day, according to National Institutes of Health. I’ve seen it in my own life. Using this top ten list, I quit smoking, kicked a ten-year hard-core drug habit, wrote two books, earned five professional certifications, and built a business as a speaker. Check it out:

1. Decide on a goal. Make it measurable and realistic. If your goal is solving world hunger, you can translate your intentions into action by keeping it small. Begin locally, in the community where you live, by volunteering at or donating to a local food bank. You’ll be thinking about other people, and that creates motivation to keep going. Your involvement locally will lead to opportunities at state level and beyond. A simple way to make your big goal measurable and realistic is to work the process one day at a time. Whether your goal is eating less sugar, writing a book, getting in shape, or earning a degree or credential, you can map out the process in one-day increments.

2. Choose a time and place to put your new practice or behavior into action. This process helps your brain to store information that will reinforce your efforts as you move forward to your ultimate goal. For example, if you want to write a book, set a time a place to write each day, or one day a week, depending on your schedule and lifestyle. Then stick to it — take an hour or two to write. Don’t worry about how much you write, that’s beside the point. What you’re doing is teaching your brain to engage in the new activity each day at that same time.

3. Set mini goals, steps you can take each day on the way to the ultimate goal. Every big win in life is actually a series of thousands of daily baby steps. This is a strategy used by Navy Seals and Special Forces. If your goal is to do a hundred push-ups, your mini-goal is one push-up at a time, one hundred times. Celebrate each push-up in your mind, then do the next rep. If you can only do one push-ups the first day, celebrate that, and keep increasing the number as you get stronger. Celebration keeps you motivated, and raises the levels of positive neurotransmitters in your brain, so you feel good working toward your ultimate goal.

4. Forget about expectations, and remember, your progress is your progress. You never have to compare yourself to anyone else, or live up to some impossible standard. You’re making plans to achieve a goal or realize a dream, and that’s nobody’s business but yours. Avoid unreasonable expectations that give you a feeling of failure. Instead, feel successful for charting a new course in life. You walk with your success, not toward it.

5. Use “If-then” plans to create new, beneficial habits. The idea is to get past the good intention stage and into action. Set up a strategy for taking a positive, healthy action at the moment a specific opportunity or obstacle to your goal presents itself. When I quit smoking, back in 1994, my plan was,* if *I think about smoking, *then* I will chew sugarless gum till the craving goes away. My plan included carrying several packs of gum with me all day, every day, for months. It worked! You can use if-then, focusing on opportunity, to reinforce a good habit, like mediating, e.g., *if* it’s 8:00 p.m., *then* I will meditate.

6. For best results, repeat, replay, reward! Repetition in a daily, fun and rewarding context will help to anchor a new habit in your brain. This year, I’m focusing on eating less sugar. My sugar cravings are strongest after dinner. After dinner every night, instead of browsing social media on my phone and eating cookies, I take a walk around the block and look at the stars. Or I listen to my favorite music and dance around the house. I started this new plan in early December, and my cravings are decreasing.

7. Revel in your resolution, even if/when you goof up. Each day, mentally congratulate yourself on making the decision. Applaud yourself for taking action. Pick a time each day or night to celebrate. One or two goof-up days will not interrupt the ten-week process of getting that good habit deeply rooted. Celebrate a goof-up as an opportunity to embrace the process and get back on track.

8. Review and mentally rehearse your plan of action to face challenges or obstacles. Positive visualization is a powerful tool you can harness to maintain your new program and progress. Take time each day to “see” yourself accomplishing goals and overcoming upcoming obstacles or challenges. If you can see it, you can believe it, and if you can believe it, you will achieve it. This isn’t hack or cliche. It’s evidence-based, and it works.

9. Get connected, and stay connected. Isolation can inhibit your progress. Get connected with like-minded people who share your goals. Align yourself with a bigger-than-self purpose or meaning. When you’re connected to social support and a higher purpose, you can rock your goals.

10. Stay the course. Persistence = Luck, and Vice Versa. Continue to take action. Focus on the long game. Celebrate your mistakes as opportunities to learn more about yourself, others, and life. When you’re persistent, day after day, you anchor positive behaviors, expand your network, and make your own good luck.

“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

— Francis of Assisi

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15, Dec, 2018

Marti Mac’s Top 10 Holiday Survival Strategies

The U.S. commercial holiday season kicks off immediately after Halloween and continues on through the Super Bowl, and brings with it a horde of potential stressors. Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Year’s, Kwanzaa.

Holiday travel, compounded by crazy weather, budget-straining gift shopping, obligatory office parties, or the potential drama attached to family visits can be more overwhelming than festive. And if you deal with anxiety, depression, trauma, or substance use issues, you might be counting the days until the holidays are over. Research by National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) found 64% of people with mental health issues report the holidays season makes their condition worse. 

I’m a person in long-term recovery from addiction and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but I’ve learned some simple ways to survive the holidays and have some fun in the process. Check out my top 10 holiday survival strategies:

Top 10 Holiday Survival Strategies

  1. Ask yourself what you want to do. Then do it. Take ten or fifteen minutes to contemplate the pros and cons of the holidays for you. Examine each holiday-related task on your list, doing an emotional check-in to see how you really feel about it. If it fills you with joy, go with it. If you feel dread mixed with a grudging sense of duty, forget it.
  2. Remember to have fun. Fun is an attitude, a state of mind. When you’re having fun, you’re more relaxed. Cultivate a sense of humor as you anticipate holiday challenges — like air travel, for instance. Pace yourself, arrange moments in your day where you can stop, breathe, meditate, and stretch your muscles. If you’re dreading doing something, and there’s no way you can get out of it, plan to reward yourself afterward, and visualize yourself enjoying the planned reward as you power on through the dreaded task. Make sure to follow through with rewarding yourself!
  3. Give yourself permission to stay home from holiday travel. One way to reduce stress is to exit the stressful situation. It’s okay to unplug and step back from the whole thing. Even if you’ve purchased your airfare, check out the cancellation and refund policy. You may find you can get all or most of your money back. Then stay home, binge Netflix, order carryout or delivery, follow your bliss. You can FaceTime or Skype with relatives and friends.
  4. If you decide to travel, allow plenty of time. Target an early arrival time at airports. That way, you’ll have a cushion of time against any possible delay or mishap. Expect, but don’t fear, long lines at TSA checkpoints. Plan ahead for how you’ll handle situations. If you feel stress and anxiety building, do this breathing exercise: slowly breathe in through your nose, saying, “Let,” then hold for a beat, and release that breath slowly out through your lips, saying, “go.” Repeat. It’ll help you calm the pounding heart, shaky muscles, or butterflies feeling in your stomach. If you’re driving, stop every two or three hours and stretch, walk around, give yourself some relaxation before jumping back in behind the wheel.
  5. Do something kind for somebody you’ve never met. Volunteer a few hours of your time at a food bank, homeless shelter, animal shelter, or other charity. Volunteering protects you from social isolation while you contribute to the greater good. It’s also a gratitude exercise; it gets you out of your head and into action. If you don’t have hours to volunteer, take a few minutes to open a door for someone, let somebody in your lane in heavy traffic, or pay the bridge toll for the car behind you.
  6. Focus on self-care and self-kindness. Treat yourself to pleasant experiences. Visualize good things coming your way, and take time to acknowledge your strengths. Make a list of self-enhancing statements and read them to yourself aloud before you go to sleep at night. Make time for physical exercise each day. Cardio and/or strength training lower stress levels, release endorphins and raise the levels of “feel good” neurotransmitters in your brain. Go out for a hike, a movie, dinner, or coffee. Book an appointment for acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, or beauty care.
  7. Revel in the opportunity to do all things in moderation. Take everything slowly. Remind yourself that each day in the holiday cavalcade is just another day — decked out in tinsel and glitter. Practice mindfulness meditation, slow breathing, and positive self-talk to center yourself and stay grounded. It’ll keep you from getting swept away by drinking, spending too much, or eating too much junk food. Make yourself a gratitude list and review it each morning. At night, before you go to sleep, list three things you’re grateful for and expect more good things to come your way.
  8. Do emotional “check-ins” throughout the day to assess how things affect you. This is important, whether you’re alone or visiting relatives and in-laws. The holiday season brings lots of memories with it, some good, some bad. When you monitor your inner state, you’ll be empowered to manage negative emotions. You can dispel or transform a negative mindset or emotional state. Soothe yourself by meditating, or try making a quick mental gratitude list. Take a walk, listen to music, or watch a funny YouTube video.
  9. Know that it’s okay to step back from or ignore the holiday hustle and bustle. But be tolerant of the people in your life who love it. You don’t have to fake enthusiasm for things that don’t raise your spirits. If you let them know your feelings without raining on their holiday parade, they’ll be less likely to pressure you to “get you into the spirit of things.”
  10. Know that it’s okay to celebrate the season in a big way. But tolerate the people in your life who don’t share your enthusiasm. Understand that every one of us has a unique perspective on the holiday season. Your friend or loved one may struggle emotionally at this time of the year, or may feel guilty for not being as excited about it as you are. Being mindful will enhance your enjoyment of the holidays.
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16, Nov, 2018

Fierce, Funny, and Female was announced winner of the 2018 New York City Big Book Award in the Women’s Studies category by award sponsor Gabrielle Olczak

Marti MacGibbon’s memoir Fierce, Funny, and Female was announced winner of the 2018 New York City Big Book Award in the Women’s Studies category by award sponsor Gabrielle Olczak. A young woman’s triumph over adversity and trauma, told with grace, wit, and laugh-out-loud humor, the book has received multiple accolades in 2017 and 2018.


November 12, 2018, New York, NY
Contact: Gabrielle Olczak, gabby@nycbigbookaward.com
“In 2018, we had true worldwide participation in our annual NEW YORK CITY BIG BOOK AWARD website nycbigbookaward.com  In our second year, book submissions were impressive as we collected from six continents: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America; cities such as Buenos Aires, Cairo, London, Moscow, New York; and across the United States.  Our NEW YORK CITY BIG BOOK AWARD program just proves great book content can be found anywhere on the globe, whether created from an individual author or a major publishing house irregardless what continent we find it.  With over 600 entries, and we feel this is just the beginning and happy to highlight these authors and books and share their achievements.” said awards sponsor Gabrielle Olczak.


Submissions came from the imprints of large traditional publishers such as HarperCollins and Random House; large independent press publishers such as Galaxy Press, Roman & Littlefield and Wiley; small press and independent authors such as Marti MacGibbon to Sahar Aref.  We welcome all publishers and authors to submit books for competition at nycbigbookaward.com/submit-online

2018 Recognized Titles and Authors include:

Title Author
-100: A Time-Travel Horror Romance Jonathan Maas
100 Days of Terror Larry Temple
50 Ways to Love Wine More: Adventures in Wine Appreciation Jim Laughren, CWE
A Glance at my Other Bruce Wilkerson
A Raccoon’s Tale: Sven Saves the Notch Fran Hodgkins
Adventure New Zealand: Beneath the Totaras Sieglinde C. Othmer
Aldo Betty Jean Craige
Alexander’s Quest S. Jackson
Alice: A Woman’s Flight for Freedom Sam Skyborne
Angels and Patriots Book One Salina B Baker
Aphrodite’s Tears Hannah Fielding
Banished Threads Kaylin McFarren
Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 L. Ron Hubbard
Be a Warrior Not a Worrier Hayley L Silk
Beyond Beauty Proven Secrets to Age Well, Look 10 Years Younger & Live a Truly Happy, Healthy, Long Life Dr. Debbie M. Palmer
BFFs: Best Friends Forever Alexander Rutherford
Blythe of the Gates Leah Erickson
Butterflies and White Lies as Bollywood comes to Nashville Mary Poser
Cadence: A Tale of Fast Business Growth Pete Williams
Choke Lisa Towles
City on a Hill Ted Neill
COLUMBUS The Untold Story Manuel Rosa
Coming Home to You Mary McGuire
Complete Title of the Book Author
Confessions of a Bone Woman Lucinda Bakken White
Daily Writing Resilience: 365 Meditations & Inspirations for Writers Bryan E. Robinson, Ph.D.
Dam Witherston Betty Jean Craige
Darkness Is Coming Charles W. Jones
Dead Cats and Other Reflections on Parenthood Jesse McKinnell
Disowned Tikiri
Do Big Things: The Simple Steps Teams Can Take to Mobilize Hearts and Minds, and Make an Epic Impact Craig W. Ross, Angela V. Paccione, Victoria L. Roberts
Eat What You Want! Stop When You Want! A No-Diet, Weight-Loss Program Sora Vernikoff
Elk Riders Volume 3: The Font of Jasmeen Ted Neill
Elvis, Strait, to Jesus Tony Brown
Evidence of Practice: Playbook for Video-Powered Professional Learning Adam Geller with Annie Lewis O’Donnell
Facing The Dragon Philip Derrick
Fathers of Invention Andrew A Pansini
Feyesper and the Wicked Neighbor Reynaldo Encina Jope
Fierce, Funny, and Female Marti MacGibbon
Fourth Wife Free Sahar Aref
Freddy Follows Melanie Quinn
God’s Wisdom and Promises Jack Countryman
Hannibal’s Niece Anthony R. Licata
Hello, My Name is Bunny! Matt Bloom and Shelley Simmons-Bloom
Hologlyphs – Twight Fields S.K. Yeatts
How Autism Is Reshaping Special Education: The Unbundling of IDEA Mark K. Claypool & John M. McLaughlin
How to Meditate and Why Mara M. Zimmerman
Inspirations: My Vivid Imagination Has Been Transformed Into Reality Peterson Francois
Investment Atlas II – Using History as a Financial Tool Kenneth G. Winans
IT’S THE ECONOMY, STUPID! Christos A. Djonis
Janhuri, Njambi & Fighting Zombies Ted Neill
Judge Malvolent Nick Roteman
L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 34 Editor: David Farland
Lizzy the Lioness Lisa Bevere
Lost in the Reflecting Pool: a memoir Diane Pomerantz
Love is the Answer God is the Cure Aimee cabo Nikolov
Magdalena Gottschalk: The Slippery Slope M. Gail Grant
Mistress Suffragette Diana Forbes
Moving Beyond the Unspoken Grief: A Doctor’s Memoir of Her Own IVF Journey as a Patient Dr Sarah Lnyy
My Mother’s Son David Hirshberg
Neuroscience of Mind Empowerment Anees Akhtar & Dr. Nasim Khan
No One Ever Asked: A Novel Katie Ganshert
One-Two Igor Eliseev
OUR GRAND FINALE: A Daughter’s Memoir Laraine Denny Burrell
Paint Your Hair Blue- A Celebration of Life with Hope for Tomorrow in the Face of Pediatric Cancer Sue Matthews with her sister Andrea Cohane
pHood for Life “How these Natural Methods healed me from Cancer” Jenny Magnusson
Preferred Stocks – The Art of Profitable Income Investing Kenneth G. Winans
Primeval Origins: Light of Honor B.A. Vonsik
Reading Tea Leaves After Trump Thelma T. Reyna
RISK: Three Women Risk All for Love, Lust and Justice Sam Skyborne
Scallywags and the Candy Catastrophe Cameron Stelzer
Secrets Abound in Missing Lake Tanya Fyfe
Selected Inspirational Quotes Eric Chifunda
Simulation: The Dawn of a Superhero Sam Skyborne
Snowsisters Tom Wilinsky & Jen Sternick
So Much To Celebrate: Entertaining the Ones You Love the Whole Year Through Katie Jacobs
Southern Season 12 months of Tea-licious Recipes & Ideas Linda J. Hawkins
Southern Season with Memory Making Recipes Linda J. Hawkins
Spiritual Awakening Insights (888 Highly Intuitive Insights) Avic M. Chio
Staying Stylish: Cultivating a Confident Look, Style, and Attitude Candace Cameron Bure
Swearing Off Stars Danielle M Wong
The Alphabet of Grief: Words to Help in Times of Sorrow Andrea Raynor
The Balance Point – A Missing Link in Human Consciousness Joseph Jenkins
The Daily Question: My Five-Year Spiritual Journal WaterBrook Multnomah
The Dream of You: Let Go of Broken Identities and Live the Life You Were Made For Jo Saxton
The Iron Citadel Mitch Reinhardt
The Last Odinian Alec Arbogast
The Measurements of Decay KK Edin
The Memoirs of George Sperryhawke Austin Smith
The Quantum Cartographer, Book of Cruxes Kristen Keenon Fisher
The Rock of Sarraka: A Spirit Animal Adventure Gary Karton
The Silver Rings Samuel Valentino
The Silver Shoes Jill G. Hall
The Suburb Woman Janet M. Neal
The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper Fiona Ingram
The Third Woe L. P. Hoffman
The Trinity Knot: releasing the knot of silence DonnaLee Overly
The Weight of Living Michael Stephen Daigle
TrumpCare: Lies, Broken… John Geyman, MD
Tune Up: The Secrets of Mylin – Book I Joe Klingler
Two Years of Wonder Ted Neill
Unintended Consequences a Psychological Romance Carmen McGuinness
Unstoppable: Challenge Accepted Tariku Bogale
Waking up Safer? Berend Mets
When God Made You Matthew Paul Turner
When Your Affluence Fails How Low Does One Fall Rev. Euclid Osborne
Where Did They go? Katrina-Jane
White Trash Alexandra Allred
Wordstruck! The Fun and Fascination of Language Susanna Janssen
You Are You w/ foreword by Jennifer Finney Boylan Lindsay Morris

For more information, please visit: www.nycbigbookaward.com and to see the list of winners: https://www.nycbigbookaward.com/2018winners and the Distinguished Favorites listed here: https://www.nycbigbookaward.com/2018distinguishedfavorites​.


Fierce, Funny, and Female has received multiple awards and accolades:

WINNER, 2017 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards in Humor
WINNER, 2017 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards in Women’s Studies
WINNER, 2017 National Indie Excellence Awards in Women’s Health
WINNER, 2017 Beverly Hills Book Awards in Women’s Issues
WINNER, 2018 Independent Press Award in Humor
WINNER, 2018 Independent Press Award in Women’s Studies
WINNER, 2018 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award in Humor
WINNER, 2018 New York City Big Book Awards in Women’s Studies
DISTINGUISHED FAVORITE, New York City Big Book Awards in Humor
FINALIST, 2018 Next Generation Indie Book Awards in Memoir Overcoming Adversity)
FINALIST, 2017 National Indie Excellence Awards in Humor

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11, Sep, 2018

Marti MacGibbon Delivers Life Skills Trainings to Inmates at Ross County Jail

Last year, in 2017, Marti keynoted the Annual Chamber of Commerce Dinner in Chillicothe, Ohio. She also visited the jail and spoke to the inmates at the request of a staff mental health professional. Marti’s comeback story is one of overcoming drug addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder, domestic violence, sexual assault/abuse, and human trafficking. She now holds five professional certifications in addiction treatment and is an expert in stress reduction, mindfulness meditation, and other life skills. Marti’s 2017 talk to the inmates was brief, because she was on her way to the airport, but she brought plenty of her signature humor and authenticity. Jail administrators invited her to return, so in May of this year (2018), Marti returned to Chillicothe, where she delivered three in-depth talks on life skills to inmates. She also spoke to individuals in recovery at a treatment center that focuses on medication-assisted treatment of opioid use disorder. Marti donated signed copies of her nationally award-winning and bestselling books, Never Give in to Fear and Fierce, Funny, and Female, to some of the audience members.

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11, Jun, 2018

Marti MacGibbon is Opening Keynote Speaker at Arizona Correctional Educators Annual Symposium

opening keynote speaker marti macgibbon The 2018 Arizona Correctional Educators Conference theme was, “Get Your Rockstar On!” As opening keynote speaker on June 1st, Marti delivered a high-energy, funny, and exhilarating speech peppered with punchlines, quotes from rockstars, and surefire strategies for reducing stress, amping up self-motivation, and building resiliency. Marti also delivered a breakout session that expanded on the content delivered in the keynote.
Marti got a chance to strum a giant electric guitar and surf alongside Elvis. Check out the pics on the right. She also did a book signing of both Fierce, Funny, and Female and Never Give in to Fear. 
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