3, Mar, 2016

Curtis Hamre

RiverviewRecoveryTo Whom It May Concern:

I am honored to take this opportunity to tell you about having Marti MacGibbon as the keynote speaker for the 2015 September National Recovery Month events in our community.

Marti MacGibbon spoke passionately to the local high school in the afternoon about her life’s journey. Then, she shared her incredible story of recovery at the local university auditorium in the evening. Marti shared, from her heart, her story healing and recovery from a turbulent past of abuse and addiction. Marti has been an inspiration and an encouragement, to the young and the young at heart, who find themselves lost and without hope for tomorrow.

We would highly recommend that Marti MacGibbon be a part of a Recovery Event in your community, as she was in ours. Her story is real, encouraging, funny, and full of hope.

Curtis Hamre, LADC, Director
RiverView Recovery Center

Curtis HamreLADC, DirectorRiverView Recovery CenterCrookston, MN

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