Marti MacGibbon, CADC-II, ACRPS, is a nationally renowned humorous inspirational speaker, an internationally known author, and an expert on addiction recovery and trauma resolution. Marti delivered the keynote speech at a National Recovery Month Event in the Metropolitan Correctional Center, a federal penitentiary in downtown Chicago. This event was the first of its kind in the federal prison system. Her talk focused on recovery, resilience, and hope, and included strategies for strengthening recovery, maintaining a positive mental attitude, and managing stress. Marti is a dynamic speaker and storyteller who encourages and educates as she entertains and creates laughter. Ms. MacGibbon is a survivor of human trafficking, domestic violence, sexual assault and abuse, severe PTSD, homelessness, and hard-core drug addiction. Her powerful personal comeback story, combined with her background in professional standup comedy, make her an excellent presenter for any event that focuses on overcoming adversity, healing, and building a new lifestyle. The event included inspiring testimonials from inmates.

Staff and Assistant Warden of MCC Chicago with Marti MacGibbon. Inmates presented Marti with a plaque in appreciation.