5, Dec, 2017

Athena R. Haddon

There is no doubt in my mind that Marti is one of the very best speakers I’ve heard in my 20 years of working in the substance use disorder and mental health fields. Marti has an ability to gain trust and respect immediately by the depth of her knowledge, her lived experience and let’s not forget her sense of humor. Marti delivered a message of hope, love, and courage to women in recovery and to those who work with them. I believe that the reason she has such an impact on all people she presents to is that she is clearly genuine in every regard. People in recovery can see through hypocrisy. When you hear Marti speak and get to know her as a person, you fully realize that there is nothing artificial about her — it truly comes from her heart. Marti completely caters to the crowd as she shares her story with sophistication and hilarity. I credit Marti with the success of our event.

Athena R. HaddonSUD Treatment CoordinatorRegion 10 Prepaid Inpatient Health PlanFlint, MI

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