Marti MacGibbon, CADAC-II, ACRPS, I-CADC, CADC-II, is a humorous inspirational speaker, a nationally award-winning, internationally known author, and an expert on trauma resolution and addiction. Few speakers have a personal story as inspirational as Marti’s She has triumphed over such nightmare experiences as being trafficked to Japan and held prisoner by organized crime figures, domestic violence, post-traumatic stress disorder, homelessness, and hard-core drug addiction. Today, she shares her story to help others discover greater hope, motivation, self-empowerment, and positive change.
28, May, 2014
Marti MacGibbon speaks at Trauma Informed Care Symposium
Marti shares her story as survivor and advocate.
Marti MacGibbon, human trafficking survivor, inspirational speaker, internationally known author and expert on trauma resolution and addiction, delivered a keynote presentation at Trauma Informed Care Symposium, May 14th, 2014. The Marion County Department of Child Services and The Children’s Bureau hired Marti to deliver a presentation from a survivor’s perspective. In addition to being a survivor of human trafficking, Ms. MacGibbon is an activist and advocate for victims.