Marti MacGibbon Book Signing at New Jersey Human Trafficking Conference
Marti MacGibbon is a humorous inspirational speaker, a nationally award-winning author, and an expert on trauma resolution and addiction. She’s a survivor of human trafficking, intimate partner violence, sexual assault and abuse, homelessness, complex PTSD, and addiction. On January 25th, at the War Memorial in Trenton, NJ, Marti delivered a stirring keynote address at a statewide conference sponsored by the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General Division of Criminal Justice and the New Jersey Human Trafficking Task Force. In her speech, Marti provided both clinical and experiential insights into the intersection of human trafficking and addiction, with a focus on the current opioids crisis. Ms. MacGibbon was able to bring light humor to her talk, along with inspiring and moving anecdotes from her own experience. The attendees included government officials, criminal justice professionals, law enforcement professionals, university students, academics, medical and behavioral health professionals, and concerned citizens. The audience showed appreciation for Marti by giving her a standing ovation. Other speakers at the conference included NJ Congressman Chris Smith, author of the original Trafficking Victims Protection Act, and NJ Attorney General Gurbir Grewal. After her talk, Marti signed complimentary copies of her books, Never Give in to Fear and Fierce, Funny, and Female.