19, Oct, 2012

Marti MacGibbon Connects with Somaly Mam at Women Like Us Foundation Event

img1015Marti MacGibbon attended an event to raise awareness about human trafficking and networked with activists Somaly Mam of the Somaly Mam Foundation, and Linda Smith of Shared Hope International. The event was hosted by the Women Like Us Foundation, and Somaly Mam was the keynote speaker. A survivor of human trafficking in Cambodia, Somaly has not only survived tremendous hardships, but has dedicated her life to saving victims from the brothels. She has accomplished so much in her mission to rescue and protect children and women from modern slavery, and has brought about social change in her own nation and around the world.

Linda Smith, both during and after her term in congress, has worked to effect change with other lawmakers in Washington, D. C., and she has built shelters for rescued children in India. Turning her focus to the problem of child sex trafficking in the U.S., Linda works tirelessly to raise awareness and influence legislation in our nation’s capital.

As a human trafficking survivor who speaks to raise awareness about this terrible crime, Marti is passionate about working with anti-trafficking organizations, and lends her voice as a survivor to educate and call to action. She has spoken at events for International Justice Mission, Free the Slaves, and Not for Sale, and is a guest speaker at the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles.

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